
konstruksi sosial

Asas pegangan di dalam pendekatan konstruksi sosial:

Bersifat kritikal terhadap ilmu yang selalunya diterima sebagai mudah.

Apa yang berlaku bukan sahaja merupakan tumpuan kepada spesifik budaya dan sejarah sesuatu masyarakat, tetapi ia adalah hasil daripada perkembangan sejarah dan budaya tersebut.

Ilmu tidak berkembang secara semula jadi seperti proses evolusi. Ilmu terhasil dari proses konstruksi yang dibuat oleh manusia.

Setiap satu konstruksi turut membawa bersamanya bermacam-macam tindakan daripada anggota masyarakat.

Rujukan: Burr, V. 1995. An Introduction to Social Constructionism. London: Routledge.


Secara kasar mengenai pendekatan tindakan sosial:

Masyarakat dilihat selalu mengalami perubahan, struktur sosial pula tidak tegar, sebaliknya dilihat cair dan longgar sifatnya.

Norma masyarakat bersifat kabur, malah bertentangan antara satu dengan yang lain.

Kebiasaannya terdapat jurang antara order normatif dengan perlakuan sebenar yang memberi maksud bahawa peraturan dan norma tidak mungkin dapat menjelaskan perlakuan.

Manusia sentiasa bersaing bagi mendapatkan bahan-bahan yang serba tidak cukup.

Manusia juga sentiasa terpaksa membuat pilihan antara beberapa alternatif.

Individu dilihat sebagai gemar melakukan manipulasi untuk kepentingan sendiri dan tindakan berterusan seperti ini boleh mempengaruhi sifat-sifat normatif dan institusi masyarakat.

Penekanan juga diberikan terhadap amalan timbal balik atau kesalingan, pertukaran dan transaksi.

Fokus lebih diberikan kepada struktur informal daripada yang formal iaitu hakikat yang berada di belakang dan bukan yang di hadapan pentas.

Rujukan: Barrett, S. 1996. Anthropology: A Student's Guide to Theory and Method. Toronto: Toronto University Press.


Silverfish Turns Eight

Silverfish Books will be eight this month, on the 26th of June to be exact. To some of you it might seem like we have been around for ever, but to us it feels like, "Has it really been that long?!"

We are not having any special anniversary do this year, but we could make Salleh ben Joned's readings from Adam's Dream on Saturday 7th of July at 5.30pm (yes, we have changed the date though Salleh's birthday is on the 4th) at Silverfish Books a double celebration. Hmmm. A few bottles of wine should do it, no?









同年,一位朋友帶來一曡New Age CD,告訴我音樂有治療作用。很快地,朋友各有建議。我開始明瞭理想圈子的朋友,面對生死各個信仰迥異。我就這樣徘徊在與諸神共飲的歡愉和病情的難受間,難得享受。





Thanks for visiting me at my home town, sorry for not playing a good host to show you around for your very first time here.

It's always best to get around with friends, especially when the wave length still just about the same ...

As we grew older, reality started to put stress on us even more, how much we will be able to retain our "inner self" without very much adjusted to suit this cruel world around us?

I am glad E and C did it, I really admire those who will fight for their dreams, not to be influenced by surroundings, and still get head on with whatever they had in their mind of their life.

Too much consideration shall pull you back from whatever you are about to undertake, in addition to it, weak desires gets faded away pretty fast.

It's hard for me to decide on things, firstly, I am not brave enough to dream of what I want out of life.

To me, live simply perhaps is the best. No need to be too elaborate, but with no worries about financial issue. I am not good with my money management. I am good in maths, but I get lost in matters concerning money. I tried to provide my parents with money as good as I could, because I think that's the second best thing I could keep them happy and contented. The best comfort is something I sometimes forgot. My temper is not well-controlled.

I place contentment with thoughts very highly, to me, the mind is more important than anything else. I chose to live my life with no regrets ( but at times, I fail to make myself happy when I tried to make others happy ), to live with clear conscience, I had always been and shall always be. Thus, moral values always affect my decision in all aspect. Sometimes, provided me with better solution, but sometimes it surely does added some unwanted, or maybe some unnecessary pointers in the process.

Choice, is not easy to make.

Thanks to Harry Potter that, after reading the 6th book of it, I told myself I can actually squeeze some time into my daily routine and read. I read in the morning in my car, few minutes before I go into my office. I read in the washroom,... etc. It makes me feel better, at least I felt I had some control over time that I still get to read :)


Processing the City

Experience the Malaysian City through the works of artists and urban designers:

The Annexe, Central Market & Valentine Willie Fine Art invite you to
The Exhibition Opening
on Friday 22 June, at 8pm
at The Gallery, Top Floor, The Annexe, Central Market

Curator: Adela Askandar
Participants: artists Abdul Multhalib Musa, Chuah Chong Yong, Nadiah Bamadhaj, Richard Lau, young architect collaboratives Building Bloc and Coda, architects and designers Farah Azizan, Adela Askandar, Wan Marlina Rahman and Zaini Zainul, landscape architect Ng Sek San, and photographer John Lambrichts.

Exhibition dates: Fri 22 June - Sun 8 July, 2007
Viewing: 11am - 7pm daily
The Annexe: 03 2274 6542
VWFA: 03-22842348

Translating architectural ideas and urban issues into an intimate visual-spatial experience, this group of diverse artists and urban designers offer insights into the concept and experience of the Malaysian city through paintings, sculptures, installations, mobile viewing cages and suspended mannequins. These collaborators have been both participants and observers of our developing nation. This exhibition hopes to provide a platform to cultivate dialogue on today's urbanity. Come and experience the city from within the gallery.

Related Actitivies:
Saturday 30 June, 4.30pm
Urban Originals - A talk
Entry: FREE
Venue: Gallery I
Speakers: Kevin Mark Low, Nani Kahar, Hishammudin Rais, Anne James

Friday 29 June - Sunday 1 July, 8.30pm
Tayangi Kuala Lumpur
Curated by Amir Muhammad and Pang Khee Teik
Entry: RM5
Venue: Gallery I


The Swan in "Muallaf"

An award-winning actress who shaved her head for a film role has attracted criticism from influential muftis who say her act is unIslamic and sinful.

Sharifah Amani Syed Zainal Rashid, 21, drew widespread shock and interest after she went bald Tuesday, with photos of her splashed across the front pages of Malay-language newspapers a day later.

But muftis in the conservative Muslim country have called on authorities to issue guidelines to prevent Malay Muslim artistes, especially actresses, from extreme behaviour or dressing, the New Straits Times reported.

"Unlike Muslim men, going bald for women is forbidden in Islam. It is sinful for men to act or behave like a woman and vice versa," the mufti of central Selangor state, Mohamad Tamyis Abdul Majid was quoted as saying.

The mufti of northern Perak state, Harussani Idris, said Muslim artistes were becoming increasingly daring and warned them against being influenced by the actions of their foreign counterparts.

"As Muslims, we should not sacrifice our religion for the sake of wanting to be popular," Harussani was quoted as saying.



Rethinking Malaysia: Between Teh Tarik, KLCC and Starbucks: Are we a developed nation?

Date: 20 June 2007 (Wednesday)

Venue:Bar Council Auditorium, 13, 15 & 17 Leboh Pasar Besar, Kuala Lumpur
Time:2000 -2200

Panel 1: Mr. Pang Tee Kiat (Art Program Director of the Central Market Annexe)

Panel 2: Mr. Brian Yap (Senior writer of Klue Magazine)

Panel 3: Miss Yasmin Ahmad (Prominent Movie Director)


In Support of Revathi's Freedom of Faith

Revathi, an ethnic Indian woman, has been held in a rehabilitation center run by Islamic authorities since January 2007 because she wants the State to acknowledge she is a Hindu and not a Muslim.

Revathi was born to Indian parents who had converted to Islam before her birth. She claims she was raised by her grandmother as a Hindu. She and Suresh were married according to Hindu rites in March 2004. Revathi was advised by the Malacca Islamic Religious Department to make an application at the Malacca Syariah High Court to confirm her status as a Hindu. She did as she was told.

However, the Syariah Court ordered her detained in a rehabilitation centre in Ulu Yam, Selangor

under Melaka's Syariah criminal laws for 100 days. This detention was extended in Revathi's absence for a further 80 days supposedly because she had not "repented". In the meanwhile, Revathi's Muslim mother obtained a Syariah Court order granting her custody of Revathi and Suresh's 15 month old baby. That order was enforced on Suresh's Hindu family with the assistance of the police.

The family is now torn apart - with the mother in detention, the child with the grandparents and the father in limbo without his family.


Candlelight Vigil:

Please attend the following peaceful candlelight vigil in support of Revathi, and many others like her, who are unable to fully exercise their Constitutionally-guaranteed freedom of faith. The vigil is an initiative of civil society organisations including MCCBCHST (the Malaysian Consultative Council on Buddhism, Christianity, Hinduism, Sikhism and Taoism) and various women's rights groups (All Women's Action Society (AWAM), Sisters in Islam (SIS), Women's Aid Organisation (WAO), Women's Centre for Change, Penang (WCC) and Women's Development Collective (WDC)).

Date: Tuesday, 19 June 2007
Time: 8 p.m.
Venue: Dataran Merdeka (at the flagpole)

Please come to show your support in affirming the supremacy of the Federal Constitution and its protection of our fundamental liberties, including the freedom of belief.

Please bring candles, candle-holders and banners.



Hüzün, the Turkish word for melancholy, has an Arabic root; when it appears in the Koran, it means much the same thing as the contemporary Turkish word. The Prophet Mohammed referred to the year in which he lost both his wife Hatice and his uncle, Ebu Talib, as ‘Senettul Huzn’, or the year of melancholy; this confirms that the word is meant to convey a feeling of deep spiritual loss.

…To the Sufis, hüzün is the spiritual anguish we feel because we cannot be close enough to Allah, because we cannot do enough for Allah in this world. A true Sufi follower would pay no attention to worldly concerns like death, let alone goods or possessions: he suffers from grief, emptiness and inadequacy because he can never be close enough to Allah, because his apprehension of Allah is not deep enough. Moreover, it is the absence, not the presence, of hüzün that causes him distress. It is the failure to experience hüzün that leads him to feel it; he suffers because he has not suffered enough; and it is by following this logic to its conclusion that Islamic culture has come to hold hüzün in high esteem.

Orhan Pamuk (2005) Istanbul: Memories of a City. London: Faber and Faber Limited, pg. 81.

A new global currency?

Carbon emission trading involves the trading of permits to emit carbon dioxide or other greenhouse gases. International treaties such as the Kyoto Protocol set quotas on the amount greenhouse gases countries can produce.

A country or a group of countries caps its carbon emission at a certain level and then issues permits to firms and industries that grant the firm the right to emit a stated amount of carbon dioxide over a time period. Firms are the free to trade these credits in a free market. Businesses that are over their quotas must buy carbon credits for their excess emissions, while businesses that are below their quotas can sell their remaining credits.

Off The Edge, Jun 2007 issue 30.




“Utter silence. I knew at once that the experiment on which I was about to embark had something to do with that thing my profession had taken from me...“

















“A man’s nightmares are never so real as when he’s starved of sleep! But this was not a nightmare; it was sharper, clearer, almost mathematical in its precision. I know I’m empty inside. This was what I was thinking. As I leaned against the mosque wall, I thought, The eye knows too!“